Socio-economic factors influencing position of women in fruits and vegetables value chains in Coast region, Tanzania

Socio-economic factors influencing position of women in fruits and vegetables value chains in Coast region, Tanzania

wca2014-1685 Martha Swamila 1,*Mathew Mpanda 1,Anthony A. Kimaro 1,Anna A. Temu 2 1ICRAF-Tanzania, Dar es Salaam, 2Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania

Women have the greater degree of participation in agricultural value chains including those of horticultural produces. However, most of them concentrate in early positions in value chains spectrum which are less profitable and temporary. This study aimed at identifying socio-economic factors influencing women position in fruits and vegetables value chains in Coast region of Tanzania. Two hundred and fifty households involved in fruits and vegetables enterprises were surveyed in the study area. Surveyed data were analysed using logistic regression model. Results indicated that education level, heading household and membership in farmers’ associations positively correlate to the individual’s position in the fruits and vegetables value chains spectrum. Most of the value chains interviewees (80%) have only attained primary education which is the lowest level standard in the country. This has the implication on the issues related to marketing strategies, accessing market information, negotiation and value addition skills. Participants to the study who were heads of their respective households comprised of 9%. This shows limit for the women to have their decisions and choices favourable to their fruit and vegetable business. Few respondents (7%) were found to be members of the farmers’ associations, signifying low level of their engagement in networking, which consequently lowers their uplift potential in the value chains ladder. It was thus recommended on empowering women in terms of education and skills, networking and gender equity in order to improve their position and significant profit gain  in the fruits and vegetables value chain.This in the long run will enhance reduction of income poverty and improve livelihoods.

Vigyan Bhavan & Kempinski Ambience

10 - 14 February 2014 Delhi, India
